Sunday, March 15, 2009

Final letterhead ideas

So the letterhead had me kind of stuck, I'm not sure why. I'm feeling better though with these, I think they're more playful and play off my logo more. I also wanted to have it cleaner looking like my business card, because I really like my simple business card. I still think I'm going to have my wallpaper pattern on the back, to make it look nice when it's folded up.


  1. Great concept! I am favoring #2 because I feel that since your text is all left aligned, having the logo and forks on the right gives it the perfect balance. Having the logo in the middle feels a little unstable. As for the forks coming from the bottom of the logo in #3, you just don't need them; it feels it bit too cluttered. My only critique would be the color. Gray dominates the page, but it might be a bit to much gray. Have you tried having the forks be the same blue as the logo or a lighter shade?

  2. The forks being placed in that arrangement is an exciting twist Austin. :) I am going to agree with Barron, that no. 2 is really strong design wise.

    How does the type look on print? It feels a bit blinding looking on screen to me. If it works great on print, then I wouldn't change the type's color.

  3. Austin is rockin the house tonight!
