Thursday, April 2, 2009


What do you guys think about these? Can you tell what all of the objects are in the second one? Does the sizing look alright, think anything would look better if it was smaller or bigger?


  1. Looking great :D I can easily tell the objects in the second one (mixer, napkin, pepper mill). I'd make the image and type larger in the second one; doesn't fill the page the same as the first one. What's the concept for the 3rd ad? Or should I not ask that question ;)

  2. love love love! such nice balance and composition

  3. I really like your ads, they are so fresh and simple. They look great!

  4. These Ads approach the client (and logo) in a very direct manner. You have visually linked the set of Ads to the client. What I'm wondering if you can afford (or are courageous enough) to change from a black background to another color?
    Will it ruin your concept or ADD to your Ads?
    Advertising Design is best served up when it is dangerous.

  5. these look great but in the bottom ad, the middle object is a little hard to read what it is.. is it a napkin? other than that these look beautiful. you could possibly incorporate the patterns you used in your letterheads in the backgrounds of your silhouetted objects? just something to try
